Please forgive us for taking so long to put up another posting. Our blogger Mike has left to go back to school and we will dearly miss him. Special thanks for his dedication and diligent work on Tom's blog. All of us at the campaign, especially Congressman Tancredo, recognize the amazing contribution he has made and we wish him nothing but the best.
In reference to some questions regarding the blog, I can assure you that we will continue to keep these postings updated on the comings and goings of the campaign.
My name is Alan Moore and I serve as Congressman Tancredo’s Press Secretary. I will be temporarily managing the blog until further notice. Please contact me just as you contacted Mike and I will do my best to accommodate your inquiries.
Congressman Tancredo is extremely excited about the support that all of you showed him at the Iowa Straw Poll on Saturday. We took in 1961 votes for 4th place. With only 620 votes between 2nd and 4th, we showed that we are a force to be reckoned with!
This gives us the momentum we were looking for heading into the thickets of the political season.
Also, with the recent sniping between other candidates on immigration issues as evidence, we can see firsthand the impact Congressman Tancredo is having on this election and the attention he is bringing to the most important domestic issue facing this country today.
In case you missed it, Congressman Tancredo gave a thrilling speech at the Straw Poll. He was the only candidate to receive a standing ovation from the thousands in attendance. For those who did not see the speech, let me leave you in the same manner the Congressman made which brought the crowd to their feet:
“This is our culture, fight for it.
This is our flag, pick it up.
This is our nation, take it back.”
Stay tuned…