Hah! Minutes ago I wrote a post about this.
I heard cheer and applause for Congressman Tancredo's response on how immigration IS an issue. Tancredo's in the game now.
*** post-debate transcript insertion ***
MR. VANDEHEI: Congressman Tancredo, David Kim (sp) from here in California wants to know, beside yourself, who do you think should be the Republican nominee for president of the United States, and why?
REP. TANCREDO: Well, of course, if I thought there should be another one, I wouldn't be here. I think that I serve the purpose. I think that we -- good men all here, don't get me wrong. But I am telling you this; that there are issues that I believe have not been addressed tonight, not in full, and I believe that they do separate us, and I certainly believe the issue of immigration and immigration reform and what's going to happen to this country unless we deal with this forthrightly.
No more platitudes. No more obfuscating with using words like, "Well, I am not for amnesty but I'm for letting them stay." That kind of stuff has got to be taken away from the political debate, as far as I'm concerned, so people can understand exactly who is where on this incredibly important issue.