Campaign News

20 November 2007 at 10:22 AM EST

Tom on FoxNews

Posted by SecPress in Campaign News | Comments (5) | Permalink

Check out the number of appearances by Tom on FoxNews this year!

Tom Tancredo (candidacy declared April 2, 2007). Appearances on FNC year to date: 36.

Mike Huckabee (candidacy declared Jan. 28, 2007). Appearances on FNC year to date: 33.

• Sen. John McCain (candidacy declared April 25, 2007). Appearances on FNC year to date: 24.

Mitt Romney (candidacy declared Feb. 13, 2007). Appearances on FNC year to date: 24.

Rudolph Giuliani (statement of candidacy with the FEC, February 5, 2007). Appearances on FNC year to date: 20.

Fred Thompson (candidacy declared Sept. 5, 2007). Appearances on FNC year to date: 14.

Ron Paul (candidacy declared March 12, 2007). Appearances on FNC year to date: 12.

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12 November 2007 at 3:13 PM EST


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"Tough on Terror"

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09 November 2007 at 6:11 PM EST

New Television Ad

Posted by SecPress in Campaign News | Comments (4) | Permalink

On Monday at 2:00 PM CST Congressman Tancredo will hold a press conference in Des Moines, IA to release a new television ad.

Check our website on Monday afternoon to watch it yourself.

I can best describe it as "hard-hitting" and "intense".

You will not want to miss it.

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01 November 2007 at 12:03 PM EST

Calling All Tancredo Supporters!

Posted by SecPress in Campaign News | Comments (16) | Permalink

Tom needs your help!

We are in the midst of a petition drive in numerous states and are in need of volunteers to help get Tom on the ballot for the primaries/caucuses.

Getting signatures is relatively easy as it is not necessarily an endorsement of the candidate.  The only difficulty is that each state has different rules and requirements. 

If you live in or near on of the following states, unless otherwise noted, and are willing to help then please call our Ballot Access Coordinator Kevin at 1-888-GOTOM08.

Illinois, petition due 11/28/2007.  5,000 signatures of registered Republicans required (Must be 18 years old and an Illinois citizen to solicit signatures).

Rhode Island, petition due 12/7/2007.  2,000 signatures required.

New Jersey, petition due 12/10/2007.  2,000 signatures required (Must be 18 years old and a registered NJ Republican to solicit signatures).

Virginia, petition due 12/14/2007.  20,000 signatures, 400 from each district (Must be 18 years old and a Virgnia resident to solicit signatures).

D.C., petition due 12/14/2007.  2,000 signatures (Must need 32 volunteers to be a delegate before collecting signatures.  You must be a D.C. resident, registered Republican).

Alaska, petition due 1/5/2008.  100 signatures from registered Republicans, no more than 10 from each district.

Vermont, petition due 1/21/2008.  2000 signatures.

Nebraska, petition due 3/14/2008.  600 signatures of registered Republicans, at least 100 from each Congressional district.

Thank you!

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29 October 2007 at 7:01 PM EST

Lou Dobbs Quote

Posted by SecPress in Campaign News | Comments (6) | Permalink

The Following is a transcript from CNN's Lou Dobbs, aired over the weekend.  He is talking with Diana West from the Washington Times and Errol Louis from New York Daily News:

WEST: I think it's a very good issue for him, and I think that it focuses people on this issue in a very clear way. Down in my neck of the woods, we just had a recent poll in Virginia, which going to be a very hotly-contested state, said that three-quarters of the likely voters in Virginia consider immigration to be one of the most important issues in the upcoming elections, up from seventh out of 10 the last time they looked at this issue so people are coming into focus here and he's helping that.

LOUIS: He's banking on people not going for the real thing in Tancredo, you know? But there are far more aggressive voices that have a real history on this so he's ...

WEST: Tancredo should get that.

DOBBS: I'm thrilled that you have said that he is the real thing.

WEST: I think he's the real thing.

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24 September 2007 at 5:24 PM EST

Tancredo Comments on Ahmadinejad Speech

Posted by SecPress in Campaign News | Comments (6) | Permalink

Congressman Tancredo today made the following remarks on the recent speech made by Iranian President Ahmadinejad at Columbia University today:

“Ahmadinejad is an international criminal and a leading sponsor of terrorism,” Tancredo said. “This is a man who has contributed directly to the deaths of American soldiers.”

“For Columbia University’s President to host Ahmadinejad on campus under the guise of free-speech while simultaneously barring the ROTC smacks of hypocrisy.”

“Regrettably, Columbia University thinks it’s ok to ban the U.S. military from campus while allowing a terrorist, responsible for killing dissidents in his home country and American soldiers in Iraq, to speak in their auditorium,” concluded Tancredo. “It is quite unfortunate that this is what passes for ‘higher education’ in America these days.”

You can read an article here:

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23 August 2007 at 9:41 AM EST

Credit where credit is due

Posted by SecPress in Campaign News | Comments (1) | Permalink

For those who don't think we are getting the mainstream media attention we deserve, fear not!  Congressman Tancredo is having more of an effect than what is being reported:

"While CNN's popular populist probably has something to do with the front-runners' new immigration obsession, Giuliani and Romney are actually taking their cues from a much closer source: fellow Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo."

                                                                                                    -National Journal, 8/22/07

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26 July 2007 at 12:09 PM EST

Tancredo: Most Conservative Running for President

Posted by Mike Tate in Campaign News | Comments (0) | Permalink

The American Conservative Union only rates members of Congress (Representatives and Senators), and among those Tancredo has the highest ACU rating -- 97.8 ACU Rating. The governors in the game -- Thompson, Huckabee, and Romney -- and Mayor Giuliani have (or had) liberal stances on some issues. So, if they were given one by the ACU, no reason to think their conservative ranking would outrank Tancredo.

A fact Tancredo is very proud of.

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26 July 2007 at 11:16 AM EST

Tancredo Passes Bill to Free Ramos and Compean

Posted by Mike Tate in Campaign News | Comments (0) | Permalink

Another magnanimous feat by The Tanc:

Presidential candidate Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) last night successfully added an amendment to an annual spending bill that will prevent using funds to enforce the judgment or sentences imposed by a federal judge in the case of U.S. vs. Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. This bill, if adopted by the Senate and signed into law will free the two border agents who have been at the center of national attention for many months.

From the AP (via FOX News):

The agents shot him in the buttocks as he fled, but got rid of crucial evidence and failed to report the incident as required. They later found a load of marijuana in a van that Aldrete had used to try to elude them. But U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton said there was no proof to tie the drugs to Aldrete so he could not prosecute him.

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26 July 2007 at 9:12 AM EST

Tancredo TV Ad

Posted by Mike Tate in Campaign News | Comments (2) | Permalink

Now running in Iowa.

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