18 December 2007 at 12:23 PM EST

Tom TV

Posted by SecPress in Television Appearance | Comments (3) | Permalink

Tom will be on Your World with Neil Cavuto today at 4:40 PM EST.

He will be discussing the Ramos and Compean case.

Make sure to watch!

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I listened to Tom's campaign manager, Bay Buchanan, on O'Reilly yesterday (12-18). She failed to plug Tom's campaign, but she had plenty to say about Hillary. Of course, she was a guest on Bill's show for the purpose of discussing Hillary, but with Iowa's caucus TWO WEEKS away, I'm wondering how Tom's final campaign days in Iowa are going!!!! Can you give us some updates?????

In my opinion Bay Buchanan was a poor choice on the part of the "TANC" as campaign manager. But my opinion is just of one person. I hope that I am wrong......


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