19 December 2007 at 9:45 AM EST

Cavuto 12-19

Posted by SecPress in Television Appearance | Comments (9) | Permalink
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Please do not drop out of race - their are many looking forward to voting for you.

Tom has been supportive of these two men for a long time now, and his faith and courage to not let the whole issue fall by the wayside is a credit to his character and his continual support of Ramos and Compean. We do pray that they are released by Christmas, but if they are not, there will have to be a lot of pressure put on the President and others to release them.

Thank you for all you have done, Tom T.

What's the big announcement? Can you give us a hint?

Will it appears that many of our reps did not take the people seriously about the fence. May they be taken out of their positions. They have striped the bill of all its real value. We need more Tom Tancredos running this country. I am ANGRY!

Mr. Tancredo, I just wanted to write in today and offer my thanks. I am a Mormon living in San Francisco, and I wish to thank you for your statement of criticism of godvoter.org. It would have been very easy for you to ignore that organization, but I was grateful for your courage in calling them out for their statements about my faith. I just wanted to offer my two cents and my sincere thanks. If '08 doesn't work out, I hope you will move here to San Francisco and become our representative! ;)
Merry Christmas.

Happy birthday Tom and thanks for speaking out as you do. This has not been a good week for our various causes and I hope that you surprise everyone today with a bombshell!

Dear Tom,

It saddened me greatly when I heard you were pulling out of the "race" for President.

After reading you letter of explanation, I know we haven't lost you; THAT is what matters! As long as you are with us, in the battle for our country, I know we will not fail. Thank you for all your efforts, and successes, during the campaign. Our cause is definitely front stage and center, we have you to thank for that.

Best Wishes to you and your family,

Tori Stordahl
California (maybe I should say Mexifornia)

Why no comments since the dropping out?
We need to keep this going.

I have no regreats donating $9oo dollars to Tom and the cause.I just wished it was Duncun Hunter first and not Tom for we could have gotten alot of Duncun's supportors and Tom doing at least Iowa.I am disappointed in Tom for the first time ever for endorsing Mitt Romney.I can not vote for somebody who has done very little on immigration in the past and who has only taken a stance to help get elected,(politics as usual )he cannot be trusted.I feel as alot of Americans that our political system has let us down and can no longer function

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