15 October 2007 at 1:23 PM EST

Today's IQ: Mitt Romney

Posted by SecPress in The IQ: Immigration Quote | Comments (8) | Permalink

Campaigning in northern Michigan, where many employers have struggled to fill jobs in hotels and restaurants during the summer tourist rush, Romney said more temporary workers should be allowed where there are labor shortages.

"The answer to that is simple, which is issue more visas," Romney told reporters. "If our employment sector needs additional immigrant laborers, then issue the visas necessary to provide that work force."


"I'm not going to leave America's employers without the capacity to meet the needs of our consuming public," he said.

Quoted from The Associated Press

Saturday, October 13, 2007

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Whats wrong with Romney' statement? There is no perfect solution for every problem - you got to make compromises.
If Mr. Tancredo does not understand this, his ratings are not going to go above 1%. As far as I have seen, Mr. Tancredo is just a barking dog (just words for any problem) with no power/will to bite (provide real solutions).

Colorado Chapter of FIRE Coalition * Cochise Borders Civil Defense Corps
A post from my good friend, Buck Young, I am going to try to attend,
Anyone want to meet me there? Karen, Patrice,,, any other Arizona Tanc supporters out there?? ......

Hi Fellow Border Watchers -

Colorado Chapter of FIRE Coalition * Cochise Borders Civil Defense Corps


December 4th - 9th is our Border Rally here in Cochise County, AZ. We'll cover from Douglas, thru Naco, Bisbee, San Pedro River, Palominas, Hereford, Coronado National Park, the 7 Canyons in the Huachuca (Wah-chook-A) Mountains and west to Lochiel (and maybe Nogales, Patagonia, Sonoita, Sasabe and up #286. This may run longer as we're getting a good response.)

This is the "hottest" area of the S/W border. We figure, 90 people per hour, per mile crossing here along the 80 mile stretch. That's 720 per hour coming in. For you people living a good distance from the border, it's hard to comprehend just by newspaper stories. Picture the homeowners here within 8-40 miles of Mexico. They lay in bed at night with their dogs barking, hearing strange noises outside, watching dark figures pass their bedroom windows, sometimes 20-50 in single file. They hope they don't have a home invasion, family members molested, vehicles stolen or narcotics dropped on your property for your animals and children to find.

If you want to help put a big dent in this problem, come for 1 day or all from 12/4 to 12/9 (or whenever) - if we have enough volunteers, we can run it longer - no strings - we appreciate any and all help, even if it's just a long lunch hour.

We'd like to have the Arizona Chapter of FIRE Coalition join in the fun along with
The American Border Patrol, or any Independents, or groups approved by our board.

If you plan on definitely coming, please let me know if you plan on a Tent, Motel or staying in an RV. I'll send you some options.

If you can't come to this one, maybe you could consider a small donation to help cover costs of necessities (Porta-Potties) for the patriotic people working the "line." You may contact me for information on donations. We are not funded by any source and are completely self-sustaining (depending how much money I have in my pocket!)

Judging by the response, we will need donations or loans of: Night Vision Equip.,
Spotting Scopes, Binoculars, FRS or VHF Radios, Video & Still Cameras, Cash $$$$ for necessities like water stations, radio batteries, first aid supplies, etc. Make it your Christmas present to America !!!

Packages may be sent to the below address. A full accounting will be kept and your donation will be acknowledged. Loaner property property will be returned unscathed or replaced.


Thank you -

Bill Davis
Arizona State Director / Founder, Cochise Borders CDC
180 W. Four Feathers Lane
Benson, AZ - 85602-7952
928-322-9008 Cellular
520-452-2375 Pager

Email: [email protected]


Colorado State Director, F.I.R.E. Coalition
Federal Immigration Reform & Enforcement
Durango, CO

Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Why should YOU care about illegal immigration? Take 30 minutes to find out: http://www.FIREcoalition.com/30minuteeducation.shtml

The COCHISE BORDERS CIVIL DEFENSE CORPS is a citizens rights group in compliance with the National Standard Operational Procedures. The CBCDC encourages elected public servants to uphold and preserve the United States Constitution through the enforcement of law. The CBCDC Project is not a racist organization and welcomes participation from all citizens and legal residents of the United States of America. The "racist" label is a tactic frequently used by our opponents in their attempts to end civil discussion of the dangers posed by illegal immigration. We welcome all sincere, interested parties and there are no fees involved in joining our organization.

The problem with Romney's plan is once people get a visa, they come here and do not leave. I would bet there are many students who could fill those jobs, and retirees who just want to earn a little extra money. What is the unemployment rate in Michigan anyway?

Mitt flip flip Romney, that's his name ,don't wear it out.

Brad, Brad, Brad: You have the nerve to post a comment on Tom Tancredo's campaign site, accusing Tom of being a barking dog???? I suggest you spend a few minutes researching Mitt Romney's stance on the issues, before you spout off, especially when you are uttering nonsense! I know of many supporters at this site who will gladly direct you to many of Romney's "change of attitude" sites. Check them out yourself.

You speak of the need for compromises - do you fail to recognize how many compromises hard-working American citizens have made at the hands of wealthy politicians, money-hungry corporations and special interests groups who are stripping away our constitutional rights and freedoms daily???? I seriously doubt if Mitt Romney, with his $250 million fortune, has had to make any compromises in order to live a comfortable life and provide for his family.

Tom Tancredo IS the only candidate who has the courage to speak out AND provide solutions to the very issues which are tearing this country apart from within! Uninformed people such as yourself, are catering to those very groups that are set on destroying our country and our sovereignty!

I also take issue with your statement, T. Tancredo has "no power/will to bite". Tom Tancredo has MORE will than any candidate out there - look at his voting record and see how he stands on the issues at:http://www.ontheissues.org/House/Tom_Tancredo.htm. Expand your mind!

As far as Tom having "no power", I consider that a good thing, because in this country, power doesn't come from voters or hard-working citizens any longer, it comes from money, wealth, and corruption - why do you think our country is in such a MESS?


***Phone numbers below are for my local Senators. Please look up and find out your Senators phone number to call them. Thanks!

From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Monday 15oct07 8:30 p.m. EDT

Anti-Sanctuary-City amendment vote in Senate as early as Tuesday -- Phone early


You have a chance to help pass an amendment Tuesday that would effectively end the outlaw "sanctuary city" movement.

You have to start phoning first thing Tuesday morning and ask your Senators to vote FOR Sen. Vitter's anti-sanctuary amendment to the H.R. 3093 appropriations bill. This is known as the "CJS spending bill" (commerce, justice and science).

Phone 202-224-3121

See phone talking points below.

We will send you an email and post results on our website when your phone calls are no longer needed.

The amendment by Sen. Vitter (R-La.) would deny a popular federal police grant to cities that adopt "sanctuary" policies. These are policies that prohibit police from reporting illegal aliens to the feds.

If the amendment passes, it is unlikely that any city would give up the federal funding in order to continue to provide sanctuary to illegal aliens.

Generally, sanctuary policies instruct city employees not to notify the federal government of the presence of illegal aliens living in their communities. The policies also end the distinction between legal and illegal immigration--so illegal aliens often benefit from city services too.

NumbersUSA members have to carry the responsibility to get this passed. Talk Radio has not been revved up on this. This amendment has come up so fast that hardly any organization has notified its members.

The burden falls on you nearly half-million NumbersUSA members. The only way this anti-sanctuary amendment can pass is if you pick up that phone and make the calls. Only then will Senators realize they will be held accountable for how they act on this.

We will be grading this heavily in our Immigration-Reduction Grade Cards.

Large numbers of people have been robbed, raped, beaten and even murdered by illegal aliens who came in contact with police in sanctuary cities but were let go because the police weren't allowed to report them to the feds.

Even larger numbers of Americans have seen the quality of life of their communities and their occupations deteriorated because of the presence of masses of protected illegal aliens in these sanctuary cities.

And Americans everywhere tend to see more illegal immigration into their communities simply because the publicity about sanctuary cities entices more foreign workers to decide to move to the U.S. to become illegal aliens.

Let's put an end to Sanctuary City policies NOW!


Call your state's two U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121.

If you have difficulty getting through, call one of their state offices. You can find those phone numbers and the names of your Senators by clicking on: www.NumbersUSA.com/myMembers


I am calling about H.R. 3093, the CJS spending bill.

I am urging a YES vote on Sen. Vitter's amendment to prohibit "COPS" money to cities that support sanctuary policies. (COPS is a federal grant program to state and local law enforcement agencies to advance community policing.)


Only Senators who seek to protect illegal aliens and promote illegal immigration would vote against the Vitter amendment. I am counting on Sen. xmxmxmx to vote YES.

Sanctuary policies have been against federal law since the 1996 federal immigration la w required local governments to cooperate with Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement. But many cities have refused to do so, adopting so-called "sanctuary policies." Unfortunately, the Clinton and Bush Justice Departments have refused to bring suit against these cities.

The Vitter amendment would seek to eliminate sanctuary policies in local municipalities, whereby law enforcement officials are barred from asking suspects about their immigration status or reporting them to Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The amendment would ensure that existing law is enforced uniformly across the country by withholding COPS federal funding for cities that choose to violate section 642(a) of the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA).

It is highly unlikely that any sanctuary cities in our state will lose funding because nearly all of them will end up ending their sanctuary policies once they see they will lose federal funding by keeping them.


When you call your Senators, also ask them to support an amendment from Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R-N.C.).

It would add $75 million for 287(g) program-related training, exercises, and technical assistance.

Scores of cities, counties and states across the country are in line to get the 287(g) program training so they can aggressively go after illegal aliens in their jurisdictions. But few can get the training because Congress hasn't appropriated enough money for the training.

While we put a stop to sanctuary policies in cities with officials who don't respect the rule of law, the feds should be doing everything possible to help those jurisdictions who are ready to do all they can to help identify and detain the illegal aliens in their areas.

Please check your Action Buffet corkboard for any faxes that are available for you to send on various immigration issues. (We are not posting faxes on the sanctuary amendment because it is unlikely there will be enough time for staffers to tabulate them and report them to the Senators before the floor vote.)

On your corkboard, you should see a phone note about this wonderful opportunity for amendments on the CJS spending bill. Please click the response items to let us know you have made your calls.


P.S. We can triple our membership quickly if our members email their friends about us and they in turn email theirs. Polls show that most Americans agree with NumbersUSA's positions but, despite our recent rapid growth, most of American voters still have never heard of us. You can help change that by forwarding this email. (Note: depending on your email provider, you may need to send this as an "attachment.")

This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type of alerts you receive click here http://www.numbersusa.com/survey?action=longlist

As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form: http://www.numbersusa.com/user

NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.

It looks as though the unemployment rate in Michigan is technically low. It would seem that HB-1 and other immigrant visas would be unnecessary. I agree with ms.bobbie, with the low unemployment rate, legal citizens whether students or retired persons, could take up the slack. A huge number of imported workers would not be needed.

Tom Tancredo is not a barking dog. He has authored many pieces of legislation to protect our country, and he has not stopped once from trying to further protect us from runaway illegal immigration and the outsourcing of work through visa programs. He is out in the trenches trying to protect all of us from what is a complete dilemma. He is all over the country speaking up for all of us whether in Newark to speak out on Sanctuary City policies, or in New York protesting driver's licenses for illegals. Look up his stance on the issues at: http://www.ontheissues.org/Tom_Tancredo.htm. I wouldn't compare his stance(s) to a barking dog with no bite. I would say that's a good watch dog prepared for the worst.

Mitt Romney is trying to appease his listeners in Michigan with promises of foreign (cheap labor) through HB-1 and other programs.

Northern Michigan jobless rate unchanged
By James Martinez, Staff Writer · Posted: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 12:06 AM EDT
LANSING — While 60 of Michigan’s 83 counties saw jobless rates rise in June, much of Northern Michigan experienced declining unemployment with the summer tourism industry underway.

The Northeast Lower Michigan region, which includes Otsego County, remained unchanged from May to June with both months posting an unemployment rate of 8.4 percent. In June 2006, the region experienced a 7.6-percent unemployment rate. Otsego County, itself, ranked 67 out of the 83 counties in unemployment rates for June (see chart), at 8.5 percent.

Jobless rates in the Upper Peninsula and Northwest Lower Michigan Region, however, declined slightly in June. Mackinac County surged to the top of the 83 Michigan counties with a June 2007 unemployment rate of 3.9 percent, according to the Michigan Dept. of Labor & Economic Growth (DLEG), which released the data late last month. The data is not seasonally adjusted.

Reply to Patrice:
I never said Mitt Romney is far better...I am commenting on Tom Tancredo's policy of Amnesty-through-inaction. What happened to the OVERDUE immigration bill he announced with much fanfare in July. Mr. Tancredo should have at least done his dude diligence and introduced the bill in House/Senate instead of just "forgetting" about it.

I would not prefer a President who can just vote on a bill - I want one who can boldly bring up a MAJOR bill and fight for it. He should be ready to make compromises if needed to move the bill. Its easier to just shout in front of some supporters against an existing immigration bill. Or did Mr. Tancredo finally realize that his OVERDUE bill is really impractical and he needs to become little more mature to provide a working solution?

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