Today's IQ: Ann Coulter
HeOn illegal immigration, Huckabee makes George Bush sound like Tom Tancredo. He has compared illegal aliens to slaves brought here in chains from Africa, saying, "I think frankly the Lord is giving us a second chance to do better than we did before."
Toward that end, when an Arkansas legislator introduced a bill that would prevent illegal aliens from voting and receiving state benefits, Huckabee denounced the bill, saying it would rile up "those who are racist and bigots."
He also made the insane point that companies like Toyota would not invest in Arkansas if the state didn't allow non-citizens to vote because it would "send the message that, essentially, 'If you don't look like us, talk like us and speak like us, we don't want you.'"
-"Fred Sawyer and Huckabe Finn" By Ann Coulter
Another Tanc supporter sent me this earlier today. I loved it! WOW! I hope this gets some traction!! SecPres, you need to push this one to the max!
Posted by: James in the Northeast | Oct 11, 2007 4:52:34 PM
Thanks for the post. I love receiving free ammunition like this to share with Huckabee supporters! Tom Tancredo has integrity, whereas President Bush does NOT!
Posted by: Patrice in AZ | Oct 11, 2007 4:59:29 PM
It takes a TANC to lead our country!
Posted by: Caree Iowa Staff Team Tancredo | Oct 11, 2007 5:55:50 PM
Calling all Iowa Tancs.....
Tanc is back in Iowa today and tomorrow.
Iowans go the the home page's events and get out and support Tom in your area. Bring your signs, wear your t-shirts, chant Tancredo, Tancredo, Tancredo when you see him.! It's time to make some Tanc noise in Iowa.
He will be back Oct. 25-29 as well!!! Get back on board and come out and support our next President.
It's time for the TANC to roll.....
Keep on Tancng!!
Posted by: Caree Iowa Staff Team Tancredo | Oct 11, 2007 6:08:18 PM
Iowans, listen to Caree! Our country needs all Tanc supporters to get out and support him in full force! What you do in Iowa matters!
Posted by: James in the Northeast | Oct 11, 2007 6:20:06 PM
calling all Tancs.....Tancredo supporters please come!
It's time to make some noise about Tom Tancredo! and support the minutemen of our
great country!
Minutemen Rally
State Capitol Grounds
Des Moines, IA
Sat. Oct 13 1-6 p.m.
Tancredo supporters invited to join Tancredo group before 1:00.
wear your t-shirts, will have t-shirts available for those that don't have them,
Bring your signs, yard, barn, etc and there will be made some available for you to
hold. Make sure you meet the minutemen in person and thank them for all they do for
our country!
We must get Tancredo name in front of everyone.
Heath Hill-Iowa East District Manager will be speaking......
Join the Tanc rally..... at the Minutemen rally to secure our borders.
You can't miss this event. This is everything Tanc stands for.
Heath, bring barn signs, yard signs, parade signs, literature, tshirts, whatever you
can fit in your suv!! You will have supporters there!
Join the TANC Group! Rally Rally Rally!
Please forward to other Tanc supporters and encourage them to come.
Check out the following minutemen links, if you haven't already done so and join
their organization.
It's time to get out and support Tom Tancredo, the Minutemen and fight for our
It takes a TANC to secure our borders!
Thomas "Creampuff" Willems
Marcus, Iowa
Posted by: Thomas | Oct 12, 2007 7:02:49 AM
This is but a speck on the iceberg regarding Illegal Sympathizer Mike Huckabee.
Iowa and New Hampshire supporters should visit and look at a thread titled MIKE HUCKABEE on the 2008 ELECTIONS forum. He has been dismissed from our discussions and we have not talked about him for awhile, but I dug it up and posted the above comments by Ann Coulter to bring the thread back to the top and be easier for you to find.
Interested supporters can also visit a website by Ft. Smith attorney Joe McCutchen: for lots more about Mike Huckabee (home town Hope, Arkansas) and how he has supported illegal immigration and even (questionably) violated state and federal law.
Mike Huckabee is the 2nd worst choice for WE THE PEOPLE as POTUS, behind socially liberal, gun grabbing, CFR controlled, Rudy Giuliani.
Posted by: Bobbie McAuliffe | Oct 12, 2007 2:45:02 PM
Way to go everybody ! ! !
I am staying busy on my end. I am getting more and more interest. Most people I talk to are so happy to know they have a choice, they were not happy with the top tier ! ! !
They really like the idea of having more say in their school systems.
They all have a story to tell about how the illegal aliens have impacted their lives.
Hold them signs up high, you guys are standing up for a lot of people that are unable to be there.
Posted by: Cindy Neese | Oct 12, 2007 9:52:32 PM