Overnight at the Straw Poll
I'm staying overnight at the straw poll tent. It's going to be me and one other staffer. We're there for security reasons. If someone tries to vandalize the tent (and there's a high chance too), it'll be all over the blog within the hour -- or, however long it takes to call police.
But, hey, since I'm up I'll post some pics through the night of the location. Especially since I have to make up for almost a whole day of not posting!
What time does the poll start and what time does it end? Also will there be tv or radio coverage? Thank you. GO! TANCREDO GO!
Posted by: T in Colorado | Aug 10, 2007 10:41:50 PM
Stay safe! And, if you get some time, check your e-mail for some items. If you have a minute to reply, that would be great! ...I am sure everyone has missed your regular, frequent posts. I am sure you are very busy and tired.
Posted by: James | Aug 10, 2007 10:53:29 PM
Good luck tomorrow! I applaud Tancredo's commitment to doing well in Iowa; he's campaigned all over the state. I also appreciate his honest talk and leadership on tough issues--e.g., illegal immigration, the Iraq War, No Child Left Behind, etc. The key is to continue infusing his speeches with optimism about saving the republic. On an unrelated note, you have done an excellent job with the blog.
Posted by: Timothy Lewis | Aug 10, 2007 10:55:25 PM
Thanks to all Tanc supporters who spent Friday setting up for tomorrow's straw poll! I know the heat and humidity were almost unbearable! Wish I were there to share in Saturday's straw poll excitement. I had a fantastic summer helping with Tom's campaign, attending the town meetings and marching in parades. Meeting Tom and hundreds of supporters from Iowa and around the country made it one of my most memorable summers ever!
It's time now for all Americans to join in this country's fight for our rights and our freedoms. This means taking back the power from corporations and media who try to suppress us, and from politicians who do not represent us. Tom Tancredo cares about American citizens, our rights, and our culture. Our country's leader must be a person of integrity! Tom is that person!
Our mission to save America has just begun! Thank you, Tom, for standing up for American citizens who no longer feel they have a voice. Thank you for taking a stand to save our nation! Because of your commitment your army is growing in strength and numbers. We are behind you 100%. I am again proud to be an American!
Posted by: Patrice from AZ | Aug 10, 2007 11:13:57 PM
T in Colorado:
Voting starts at 10 AM and ends at 6 PM.
Results announced at 7 PM CST.
- mike tate
Posted by: Mike Tate | Aug 11, 2007 3:31:38 AM
Everything looks great! Proud to help volunteer. See you later today!
Posted by: Jason | Aug 11, 2007 6:29:58 AM
Go Tancredo GO! We are behind you 100 percent and wishing you the best of luck in the polls. You are the only credible candidate running for the office of President of this great country. Keep telling it like it is. The only one who walks the talk!
Posted by: eweikum33 | Aug 11, 2007 12:14:07 PM