Today's LOW IQ: Evan Bayh
"America is a nation of immigrants, and it is true that we must bring the 12 million undocumented immigrants living in this country out of the shadows so they can be put on a lawful path to citizenship."
-- Indiana Senator Evan Bayh,, 28 June 2007
So tell me...what does a "nation of immigrants" mean? I don't know about others but I was born here along with my parents and my parents' parents and their parents before them. So if that is the norm for most Americans how does that make us a "nation of immigrants?" I believe that this is just verbage used as a misdirection to justify a particular agenda; i.e. amnesty. We have seen how La Raza has blatently overemphasized specific situations (Lou Dobbs interview on 7/25/2007 that the term "Wave of violence" came about as the result of a "few" disc jockeys call to violence)to perpetuate their own agendas and mislead the public.
Posted by: Avenger | Jul 26, 2007 8:46:00 AM