Tancredo's Trim
A few days ago, while on the campaign trail in Mason City, Congressman Tancredo needed a slight trim. He didn't pay as much as some other out-of-touch presidential candidate.
A few days ago, while on the campaign trail in Mason City, Congressman Tancredo needed a slight trim. He didn't pay as much as some other out-of-touch presidential candidate.
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This is the official campaign blog of Congressman Tancredo's run for the White House. We'll show you what is happening on the campaign almost everyday and encourage you to get involved. You'll see why Congressman Tancredo is running to secure the borders, protect American sovereignty, and preserve our culture.
But more seriously, how much chance does the Silky Pony candidate have of winning the Demunist primary?
Posted by: Nick Byram | Jun 12, 2007 10:50:13 AM
A few days ago a disabled Vet called me regarding an apartment we had for rent. He told me he had gone to NC to help his daughter who was also in the military. He had been in the construction business his whole life so he decided to pick up some jobs on his way back to SD. He tried in NC and TN, he said EVERY job site he went to were illegal aliens. He did not see ONE non hispanic crew anywhere. They would not hire him because he was not hispanic and could not speak spanish. So how do all of those other candidates explain to this and other vets why they can't get a job??
Posted by: Phyllis Brewer | Jun 12, 2007 2:33:39 PM
How much chance ? Probably the same chance Jesse Ventura had at the Minn. Gov. race! Jesse won because he got his message out to the common man . That same common man seen Jesse as a candidate that was real american constitutional values working to fix the errors of the party hacks before him. We must have a candidate that serves the people and the constitution before we no longer have them. This country will be gone if we keep on voting for the lesser of two evils . when you are voting for the lesser of two evils you are still voting for evil!!
Posted by: Larry Reinsch | Jun 12, 2007 8:20:31 PM
Whoa Larry, back to earth! John "Silky Pony" Edwards is NOT Jesse "The Body" Ventura. And Silky Pony IS the ultimate party hack, even more of a hack than Hitlery Clitler, and I didn't think that was possible!
Anyway, may Tom Tancredo, border patriot, defeat the demunists and crush the commiecrats.
Posted by: Nick Byram | Jun 13, 2007 4:29:58 PM