The Laura Ingraham Show Poll
Alright, here's another poll for us from The Laura Ingraham Show.
This is the official campaign blog of Congressman Tancredo's run for the White House. We'll show you what is happening on the campaign almost everyday and encourage you to get involved. You'll see why Congressman Tancredo is running to secure the borders, protect American sovereignty, and preserve our culture.
It would be wonderful to see the illegal immigration/ amnesty issue debated on TV by the candidates. I think Mr. Tancredo will knock 'em dead. He's the only candidate whose position favors the American citizen. The other candidates favor the position beneficial to Corporate America. They welcome the illegals because they represent cheap labor. They are undermining the American working man and woman (union and non-union).
Posted by: John Finucane | Apr 5, 2007 7:49:58 PM
These polls have no scientific value. They are self-selected samples and therefore reflect only the views of the limited number of people who take the time to respond to them.
Since they do not emply a probability sample, the results cannot be inferred to anyone who did not take the poll, let alone to the voting public.
Generally, these polls attract a biased sample that leans outward toward the extremes.
Posted by: Dr. Digipol | Apr 6, 2007 2:41:45 PM
At this juncture, Congressman Tancredo is the only politician who understands the threat of illegal immigration and I will be doing everything I can to draw people to him.
I am grateful for his courage and determination to address this issue.
Question: What has Congressman Tancredo written or said about the NAFTA super highway and eventual NAU?
Ron Adair
Posted by: Ron Adair | Apr 9, 2007 10:31:09 AM
We've been hearing in the news about all the big money candidates have raised. Have you asked yourself where this money comes from? How much of our tax dollares were spent on favors? Don't let your vote be bought by slick political campaigns, unless you like proffessional politicians and the status quo. If not do your own investigating, look at their voting record, not their rhetoric on the campaign trail. Having done this I am supporting Congressman Tom Tancedo.
Posted by: Lynda Derks | Apr 9, 2007 12:10:38 PM
"Tancredo is the only politician who understands the threat of illegal immigration"
"The other candidates favor the position beneficial to Corporate America. They welcome the illegals because they represent cheap labor."
These blanket statements are grossly innacurate. Duncan Hunter has promised to finish the border fence in his first six months in office. Other Republican candidates have spoken out against illegal immigration. The zealotry of Tancredo does not negate the proposed policies of his contenders.
Posted by: Ken Hood | Apr 9, 2007 4:03:33 PM